Module ditox-react

ditox-react package


Dependency injection container for React.js

Please see the documentation at

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You can use the following command to install this package:

npm install --save ditox-react

The packages can be used as UMD modules. Use CDN site to load ditox and ditox-react:

<script src="//" />
<script src="//" />
const container = Ditox.createContainer();
// DitoxReact.useDependency(SOME_TOKEN);


ditox-react is a set of helpers for providing and using a dependency container in React apps:

  • Components:
    • DepencencyContainer - provides a new or existed container to React components.
    • DepencencyModule - binds a dependency module to a new container.
    • CustomDepencencyContainer - provides an existed dependency container.
  • Hooks:
    • useDependencyContainer() - returns a provided dependency container.
    • useDependency() - returns a resolved value by a specified token. It throws an error in case a container or value is not found.
    • useOptionalDependency() - returns a resolved value by a specified token, or returns undefined in case a container or value is not found.

Usage Examples

import {token} from 'ditox';
import {
} from 'ditox-react';

const FOO_TOKEN = token();
const BAR_TOKEN = token();

function appDependencyBinder(container) {
container.bindValue(FOO_TOKEN, 'foo');

function App() {
return (
<DependencyContainer binder={appDependencyBinder}>
<NestedComponent />

function NestedComponent() {
// Get access to the container
const container = useDependencyContainer();

// Use a resolved value
const foo = useDependency(FOO_TOKEN);

// Use an optional value. It is not provided in this example.
const bar = useOptionalDependency(BAR_TOKEN);

useEffect(() => {
console.log({foo, bar}); // {foo: 'foo', bar: undefined}
}, [foo, bar]);

return null;

Dependency Modules

Dependency modules can be provided to the app with <DependencyModule /> component:

function App() {
return (
<DependencyModule module={LOGGER_MODULE}>
<NestedComponent />

This project is licensed under the MIT license.


Type Aliases

Functions - Hook Returns a dependency by token, or `undefined` in case the dependency is not provided.

Functions - Hook Returns a dependency by token, or fails with an error.

Functions - Hook Returns a dependency container, or `undefined` in case the container is not provided.

Functions - Hook Returns a dependency container. Throws an error in case the container is not provided.

Functions - Other

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